
We want to thank everyone who helps us. It's pretty unexpected when someone comes and offers their gratuitous help because they like our project. We feel at such moments embarrassed but happy.

This time, we want to thank ASCIN Loans from the bottom of our hearts for sharing $1,000 with us without asking for anything in return! Thanks to this money, we were able to update the props in our studio and buy some more cookies :)

We never raise funds to support our project, we try to do everything ourselves, but help is almost never excessive, no matter what you do.

And it's not even about money, although, obviously, they also always find their application. The fact is that our work is appreciated, people like it, it makes them smile and puts them in a good mood. This is the most valuable thing for us!

We try to do everything, so our project brings pleasure to as many people as possible. We are grateful to everyone who comes to our performances, who watch us on YouTube, and who simply subscribe to our social networks.

Thank you all for your interest in our project!